More Steak – Friday 27th December 2019

More Steak

I would like more steak. In fact, I think I’d like steak every single day. Christmas day was great. It started with my Master giving me lots of cuddles before he set off to see his family leaving my Mistress and me to look after each other. To be fair, I was exhausted after my trip to see my grandparents, so was fairly out of it for most of the morning. We started a jigsaw together in the afternoon, but both of us were ending up with some odd aches from leaning over it. My Mistress let me help open her presents, but they were human things like chocolate so I was a bit disappointed with that.

Alfie having a cuddle with Dad, although what he really wants is more steak

The Highlight

Dinner was definitely the highlight. I had a whole steak to myself. I didn’t have to share it with anyone. For the first time in my life it wasn’t just a small one it was a full steak. How lucky am I? I hadn’t been eating quite so well, but I ate it all up with no problem at all and then sat and asked if I could have some of our Mistress’s one too. There was just the one downside and that was yesterday. When it got to dinner time, I sat by my bowl and our Mistress put dog food in it. Well, I looked at her. I walked over to the fridge. I looked back in my bowl and then back at her and said ‘Where’s my steak?’ I’m sorry to have to report that she says that I can’t have steak every day. It was only because it was Christmas. I’d have chewed it more slowly if I’d known. Actually, I didn’t chew it at all I just wolfed it down.

Waiting by the front door

I did spend some time waiting by the front door thinking my Master would be back, but in the end I had to accept that it was just my Mistress and me for the night. My Master came back last night, so all’s right with the world again – it’s just there’s still no more steak so I need to work on them both.



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  1. You’re not on your own Alfie. We gave Jessie, our Border Terrier, chicken on Christmas Day. She felt it should be chicken every day yesterday and didn’t eat her regular dog food until 10.30 pm! Glad they are treating you well xx (as they always do).

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