Unexpected Gardening – Sunday 6th March 2022

Unexpected gardening

Ari has been busy with some unexpected gardening so I have the computer back. He thought he was going to put his paws up yesterday but Mum wasn’t having any of it. He had to help finish the digging. Shadow and I went to cheer them on, which we enjoyed – or at least I did. Shadow said she was cold and would rather be inside. Then Mum and Ari started doing some moving of the garden rubbish from one side of the garden and putting into the compost bins. There’s a lot more to do, but it kept them out of mischief for a while. It left Ari flat out asleep for a while, which is how I got the computer back.

Today’s plans

Today Mum says there will be even more time outdoors. She is pruning the roses that are already in the garden and working out where to plant lots of new ones. We will all tag along and cause mayhem. Ari is getting very worried about his seed planting so I think they’re going to try to do some of that as well. I would really rather she threw the ball for me, but she has said we can only do that when it’s the two of us. I will have to wait until later in the day and hope that Ari and Shadow have gone indoors. Mind you, I also have to hope that Mum hasn’t gone indoors as it’s no fun on my own.

Change of colour

The decorating has moved on to a change of colour. We’re on the walls and ceiling in the kitchen which is a lighter purple. When Mum gets bored with that she’s starting on the bathroom and there is plenty of opportunity for us to change our coat colour there. She’s using a sort of wine colour for some of it – red wine rather than white. We could be very multicoloured dogs before long.



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