Local Walk – Wednesday 20th April 2022

Local Walk

We went for a circular local walk yesterday. It starts from the village pub, which is the New Inn, and then follows the road through the village and a public footpath past Blacon Farm back to the road that runs up to the pub. I don’t really like walking by roadsides as I’m not keen on traffic. Mum put me on what she calls my ‘city setting’. She attaches one end of my lead to my collar and the other to my harness. When she does that I know it’s because we’re somewhere that can be busy and I have to walk by her side. The odd thing is that it works well for us both. I don’t pull away and I don’t get so worried about traffic either.

The long part along the footpath past the farm was best as there was no traffic at all. We could see our house from the walk too, which was fun.

Coffee in the garden

Mum is trying to build a little courage to see people for coffee in the garden. A friend came for coffee for the first time yesterday. Ari and I were happy as it is a friend we know from when we go to Crufts, so we both had some lovely cuddles. Shadow had a good bark, but then she always does. She went off to roll in fox poo instead. Thankfully Mum had cleaned up most of the fox poo, so there wasn’t too much for her to roll in, but she tried.

Today’s plan

Today there are some more garden jobs which suits us. Mum is planning to finish painting one of the sheds. I think Dad wants to play with the mower, so we may have to be inside for that bit.



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