Back to the vet – Saturday 16th July 2022

Back to the vet

Shadow was back to the vet yesterday. She has started coughing in a morning again with a little fluid on her lungs. It’s not too bad, but Mum didn’t want it getting any worse. She has a precautionary course of antibiotics and a short term increase in her other tablets while they antibiotics kick in. Mum was more concerned with the hot weather coming up and didn’t want to take any chances. Shadow says she doesn’t feel too bad but is grateful for the preventative action.

Ari is confused

Ari’s crate has been moved to the bathroom. He’s very confused by this. Mum has explained that it’s easier to keep cool than where he had it before and for the next few days she is doing everything possible to make sure we can all keep cool. It’s so funny hearing him complain when she disturbs him at night when she needs the loo. He’s a dog who likes his beauty sleep.

He likes to go to bed at 8pm and doesn’t want waking before 7am. The other funny thing is that now he’s on the same tablets as Shadow for his heart, he has to have them at least half an hour before food. Shadow gets up about 5am for the loo and has her tablet then. Mum took Ari’s in to him and he was snoring away not the least bit interested in waking for a tablet. He was very grumpy when Mum went ahead and woke him.

Catching up on gardening

We spent some of yesterday catching up on the gardening while it was a little cooler. Ari has added comfrey to his herbs. Apparently he can use it as an organic fertiliser. It will have to grow a little first and I think Mum may have to help. Some of the herbs he planted with Mum a couple of weeks ago haven’t made it. He was quite upset but Mum said she expected that so they have some spare plants to put in to replace them.



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