Long day – Sunday 18th December 2022

Long day

Yesterday was a long day. We were both very good in our crates in the boot of the car as we headed north. We had a lot of time on the road and there really wasn’t much to see out of the back window. That was partly because the roads were so filthy and the window kept getting dirty and it was partly because when you’ve seen one car behind you, you’ve seen them all. I tried playing that game where I stick my tongue out at the people in the car behind to see if they do the same in return, but very few of them did. Mum says it’s better to wave, but that’s harder as a dog.

Service station

It’s a long time since I’ve had to eat my meals at a motorway service station. It was too cold to hang around for long, which was a shame as there were loads of other dogs I’d have liked to say hello to. Ari found the day more of a struggle and says these days he could do with more space to move around. He says he’ll probably feel a little stiff tomorrow. At least the weather is going to warm up, so he won’t mind being outside for longer to get everything moving again.

Presents delivered

It was lovely to see everyone and deliver their presents, but it was good to get home again too. It’s always nice to let me fur down and put my paws up in my own home. That’s the one place where you know where to find the water bowl and you know whether you’re allowed on the furniture.

Christmas 2010

At last I found photos of a much earlier Christmas. These are from 2010 when there was Alfie (aged 5), Shadow (20 months) and Megan (14 months).



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