Ungrateful – Sunday 13th January 2019


Well at the moment, Alfie is being a little ungrateful. He’s not sure he likes his new bed. To be fair he said it took him a long time to get used to his last new one and he’s never felt the same about any since the one he had as a puppy. The problem seems to be that getting in is quite a big step and it’s onto a deep cushion. His back end is not as stable as it used to be and it’s a bit of a challenge. He’s thinking of trying launching himself in instead of stepping, which might work better even if it is a little undignified. I know the minute I offer to have the bed instead of him he’ll suddenly find it really is ok, so I’m not raising my hopes.

Good sniff

We usually walk on the airfield, which we all like for different reasons. However, when our Mistress took Wilma and Shadow the other day they were a bit in the way of work that was being done and our Mistress doesn’t like being in the way. She’s decided to take us to a different walk for a few days. You know what it’s like when you go somewhere you haven’t been for a while. The walk takes so much longer as you have to sniff out everything that’s been happening since you were last around. We all had a great deal of catching up to do. I can tell you, the news headlines were all fairly mundane and didn’t really tell us anything all that interesting.

Lazy Sunday

We’re all going into Lazy Sunday mode for the day. I suggested we could all watch a good weepy film, but the girls said they’d rather go out. Honestly, sometimes I think they have no feelings.

Have a great day


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