We’re famous – Saturday 8th June 2019

We’re famous

At last we’re famous. All four of us and our humans are in this month’s copy of Dogs Monthly. There are four whole pages about our breed and how our Mistress became involved in it and pictures with all of us on to go with it. I think it may be the first time my photo has been in a major magazine. Oh Shadow has been on television as she is only too happy to point out. Alfie has even been into a radio studio and done a live broadcast. Wilma has been to the Swiss Embassy in London. They have all had their fifteen minutes of fame, but normally I’m the one left behind. The one who, because of my bad legs, can’t go out and about so easily. Anyway, this makes up for it as far as I’m concerned. I’m a very happy dog and will keep my copy of the magazine safe to look back at in my old age.

Where is summer

I do realise it is probably our Mistress’s fault for getting the summerhouse ready for use, but where has summer gone? We’re all getting a bit fed up of not being able to have as much outdoor time as she promised we would. The whole reason we went along with her plan to prepare the summerhouse was because she promised we’d work out there on every sunny day. We did think we might have at least some sunny days but that just isn’t happening. Of course it’s great that they don’t think we are likely to be having any hosepipe bans this summer, but just a little bit of blue sky would be welcome. Our Master keeps telling us what the weather is like in Switzerland and it really isn’t making things any better to know that he has got sunshine.

Have a great Saturday


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  1. Hi Ari, what great news. My Mum gets the magazine but it was not in the shop when she went this week. I hope they do not sell out before she gets a copy. I am looking forward to reading all about you. We have been quite lucky with the weather here but not looking good today, it could be a duvet day! Love Dickens XXXXXX

    • Thanks, bro. I think I might go for the duvet too the way it’s looking.
      Have a lovely day

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