Squirrels 1 Mum 0 – Thursday 10th September 2020

Squirrels 1 Mum 0

Well I think so far you can definitely say it’s squirrels 1 Mum 0. After she put their food out yesterday she sat there patiently with her camera for an hour. The squirrels sat waiting patiently for an hour and one minute before helping themselves to the nuts. That’s right – she missed them! By the time she went out again, they had made off with all the nuts she’d left for them and there were only a few shells to show for it. If the weather stays good she’s going to have another go today. She nearly got a photo of a bumble bee, but by the time she’d got the focus right it had moved. The pigeon is becoming the most photographed bird in the garden and seems to know no fear.


Shadow’s tummy is not so good again. Mum is wondering if she needs to talk to the vet about some further tests for her, but we’re giving it a day or two first. It’s the frequency of her being off her food and having a poorly tummy that is worrying Mum. That and the fact that Shadow doesn’t look quite as well as normal. She was hiding under the desk keeping her eye on our cow when Mum took this photo. It’s a good job it isn’t a real cow as Shadow said she didn’t feel like moving about all that much. Thankfully our cow didn’t either.

Today’s challenge

Today I shall be keeping well out of the way. Not only because if I chase the squirrels off Mum may be a little fed up, but because of the table. That’s the table that was delivered two days ago. It’s been in the hall since then. Today it needs to make its way upstairs and, given that its legs are not currently attached, I’m guessing it won’t be doing that on its own. It’s a bit of the heavy side – what could possibly go wrong?



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  1. Ha ha! Squirrels are so mischievous, I know our Jack Russell’s wouldn’t sit around quietly and watch them feeding!

    • Ari would watch. Shadow and I would chase them. I say that, actually most of Shadow’s chasing would be in her head these days. She’d waddle after them.

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