Bird Envy – Sunday 14th March 2021

Bird Envy

Mum has developed bird envy. Our neighbour posted a photograph of a siskin on their bird feeder. Mum has never seen a siskin in the garden and now wonders what she’s doing wrong that they are visiting next door but not popping in to our garden.

I didn’t like to point out that the three dogs might have something to do with it. The bird feeders have been cleaned and restocked all in an attempt to attract the siskin. The challenge of course is not just to get it to visit but to obtain photographic evidence. This could be a long wait.

A playmate for Dad

For the last couple of days my friend Ruff has been staying with Dad. Dad has had a lovely time and seeing as it was one of my friends, I really don’t mind at all. Ruff wanted to sleep in bed with Dad, but he managed to be strict. The funny bit is that they went for a really long walk with my sister, Valeria and now Dad has lots of aches to show for it. They walked from home up our mountain and back. There’s still snow on some of the sheltered areas, so it was hard going. There’s snow forecast all this week in Switzerland so Dad might have to get used to it again.

Move round

This week is the big move round. Well, not very big, but Mum and I have to move bedroom. It’s a long story. Dad will need to quarantine when he comes home and we’ve been sleeping in the room he needs to use. We moved in there when Mum dismantled the wardrobe and she realised the bed was more comfortable so stayed. Now we need to get everywhere ready for Dad. We can go back once his quarantine is over. That’s the good news. The bad news is that Mum is taking the wardrobe apart again so that Dad can help her put it back together properly. I won’t say it’s lopsided, but I’ve never seen pairs of doors in quite that arrangement before.



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  1. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all Mums everywhere, human and dog. Hope you all have a good day and get spoilt. I will be making sure my Mum takes it easy and help with the jobs – not always appreciated as we have different ideas on priorities!! Mine is food! Love to you all Dickens XXXXXX

    • Thank you Dickens and Shadow loves her card, thank you. I’m in trouble because I forgot to get one for Mum and yours was so good saying ‘from the dog’. I’ve never seen one like that. I need to go shopping next year!
      Love Wilma

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