Good Luck Everyone – Thursday 10th March

Good luck everyone

Good luck everyone taking parts in Crufts for the next few days. Dickens wanted to make sure you know he is thinking about you all too. I shall be waving the flag for my friends and family who are taking part and hoping they all have a wonderful time. I wish I could be there too, but maybe next year. I’d really quite like another go in the show ring. I’ll be a senior by next year, what a shocking thought that is. It seems really odd when I think of myself as still the youngster of the house here.

Ordinary is boring

After the other night’s excitement ordinary is boring. Yesterday was just an ordinary day. It didn’t matter how many times I ran around the garden I could not find a single deer to chase anywhere. Mum said that is how it is supposed to be, but I’m the sort of girl who prefers some excitement in life. I’m on my own with the chasing at the moment. Ari has overdone it and says his legs are hurting quite a lot. Shadow show willing but she gives up half way across the garden. While the two of them are standing there recovering I’m usually on my second lap at the speed of light – or pretty close as far as I can tell. Somehow I need to gain some extra speed, at the moment the deer can outrun me.

Today’s Plan

Ari is very happy with today’s plan as he doesn’t have to do too much moving. Mum and he are planning our new rose garden together. I shall pretend to be helping while generally running around the garden and leaving them to it. I’ll be very happy to smell the roses when they’re flowering but I’m happy to leave the planning to the two of them.

