Dunwich Heath and Beach – Thursday 4th January 2024

Dunwich Heath and Beach

Yesterday we went to Dunwich Heath and Beach. Yes, that means we managed to get out of our village. We left as soon as it was light and we’d be able to see any floods and followed a route that another villager had already said was clear. The journey wasn’t nearly as bad as we feared it could be and we only had to drive through one flood and that was when we were nearly at our destination.

National Trust

Mum had looked on her National Trust app to see what places we might want to go to and thought that Dunwich looked my sort of place. She was right. The parking is good and there are dog waste bins. There are three very well marked tracks and you can choose which one to follow. It was so good walking through the heath land that I’ve asked if we can go back and do one of the other walks as well. We saw hardly any people and no dogs. At times it was almost as though we had the whole area to ourselves.


There were some beautiful old trees and lots of things to smell. Mum is very keen on trees so she was happy. You couldn’t go too close to the cliff edge as it was dangerous and at risk of bits falling off. We didn’t go down to the beach there, but it was nice to be able to look out to sea. OK, so you can see the Sizewell B nuclear reactor in the distance, but it didn’t look too bad from where we were.

I think I’m going to enjoy helping Mum fulfil all her resolutions. We ticked off January’s National Trust visit and a new place in Suffolk all in one go. We need at least four more places in Suffolk now.



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