Official – Tuesday 30th March 2021


It’s official, Mum becomes more like a dog every day. She seems to have taken to bursts of activity with naps in between. I think it’s an improvement. I’m happy to take part in both, but frankly wasn’t so keen on the fact that some of the activity involved a vacuum cleaner. That’s not one of my favourite tools. The naps I can really get into, as can the others. I, of course, have pride of place at nap time and do my best to get as close as is possible. I have to be honest and say I think I prefer it when she is like this than when she sits at her desk for more of the day. I just can’t get into those times.

Aristotle is moaning

On the other paw, Aristotle is moaning. He’s on his new food and says it’s leaving him feeling a little hungry. Mum isn’t really sure what to do. It’s all very well it having a lower fat content, but if she has to increase his portions he will still be getting as much fat as before. She’s asked him to see if he can get used to it. He does need to lose a pound or two so being a little bit hungry might not be all bad. I don’t think I should say that out loud as I’m the worst around here for needing to lose a little around the middle – well, after Mum, obviously she needs to lose some, but don’t tell her I said that.

Final test

Dad will do his final Covid test today. Mum has to take it to the post box and then if all goes to plan, when he gets the result he’ll be a free man. As free as anyone is around here right now. It does feel like progress though.



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