‘Paw me down’ sort of dog – Monday 20th march 2023

‘Paw me down’ sort of dog

I’ve always been a ‘paw me down’ sort of dog. (It’s Aristotle in case you hadn’t realised. Wilma only has to look at something for Mum to buy it for her. Me, well it’s never been quite the same with me. It isn’t my name embroidered on the bed. I am using a cast off bowl. Ok, I know that last one is because Wilma and I broke my other one. I share whichever of the leads is free. I’m currently using Alfie’s old one. And, until now I didn’t have a dressing gown of my own. Alfie, Shadow and Wilma all had dressing gowns and I didn’t. Most of my beds have been cast offs. Ok, again, I know that is because I destroyed my own playing tug, but I’m trying to build up some sympathy. Give a boy a break.

I love my dressing gown

All that goes to explain why I love my new dressing gown. It’s new, it’s mine and it even has my name on. The best bit is that it is the right size. Alfie’s was too big and Shadow’s was too small for me. All a bit like the story of the Three Bears – because this one is just right.

Spring is in the air

It finally feels as though spring is in the air in the garden and I’m dragging Mum outside at every available opportunity. We were out visiting for much of yesterday, but when we got home I pointed out it was still light so we could be outdoors. Wilma is even getting better at not chasing Jemima and Francis and they seem to be spending more time gently gliding around our pond. They haven’t actually moved into the duck house, but it is good to have them around.

Love Aristotle

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  1. Hi Ari, lovely to hear from you. We love your new dressing gown. We like hearing about your ducks. We have 2 here. They do not stay all day but come to be fed. We hope they have ducklings.
    I am pleased to tell you that I assed my Bronze Good Citizen test on Saturday. I am going to see my 4 beagle friends today. I do hope we can play in the garden. It is going to rain as usual but I do not mind. I think the “Mummys” will be ready to wipe us down as we will be muddy. All good fun!
    Love to you all Dottie XXXXX

    • Hi Dottie
      Well done on Bronze. It’s not easy. Hope you have lots of fun with your friends

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