Christmas Message 2023
The theme of my Christmas Message 2023 is to cherish your loved ones. It is all too easy to take the humans and pets around you for granted. We assume they will always be there. We bicker over stupid things like who gets the spot closest to the front door. Then one day you wake up and the spot is vacant and suddenly it doesn’t seem so important anymore. What was important was to say how good it was to have your pal around; how much you enjoyed the fun and frolics, sitting together waiting for treats and curling up together at the end of a long day.

Never part on an argument
Mum was brought up never to leave the house on an argument. Of course, it’s best to not have the argument in the first place, but we all do it. Life is much too short to stay angry with the ones you love. We all do things which annoy each other, but it’s important to look beyond that and always remember you love the person or dog who left muddy pawprints on the clean floor.
Today as you give and receive presents, do so with love. Even if it is your third pair of socks or your third new collar, remember that to the person who gave it to you it’s the first one and they have given it in love.
Mum didn’t forget my Christmas stocking. She had put it away safely so it was easy to find and put up for me. I haven’t opened my present yet, but she did make me biscuits and I know I’m a very loved dog. We put Ari’s stocking up too as she put that one safe with mine. We just can’t quite bear the thought that he isn’t here to see what Santa Paws would have left him.

From my home to yours, have a very happy Christmas.
© Rosemary J. Kind 2024 All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission
Hello everyone, I am sending Christmas wishes to you all. Today I am going with Mum and Dad to see my beagle friends. I cannot wait. There will be five of us. Tomorrow all the family are coming here. It will be such good fun. We are looking forward to seeing you all next year.
Lots of love Dottie XXXXX and Mum and Dad XX
Oh what fun. I’m not seeing any other dogs, which is a shame. I’ll see some of my people though.
Have a lovely time and hopefully see you soon
Love Wilma