Aristotle here – Wednesday 29th May 2019

Aristotle here

Well it’s Aristotle here. I don’t normally get to write on a Wednesday so I feel a bit excited. It’s not for a good reason though, but on the positive side I’ve not undertaken a coup if that’s what you were thinking. Wilma is recovering from her sedation yesterday so has put her paws up and Alfie is having a dementia day so wasn’t really being coherent.

Wilma’s Leg

Well the good news is that Wilma will be just fine. She hasn’t done anything to her elbow and if she would only be a bit more relaxed while being examined she could have been sorted out a whole load easier. Anyway, she had got something stuck in her paw. Our lovely vet doesn’t know exactly what it was that was stuck as in the process of removing it the offending item shot across the room and hasn’t been seen since. The good news is that with a little bit of time on soft surfaces, some painkillers and the chance to sleep off her sedation, she’s going to be just fine and has been promised some days out with our Mistress to make up for the ones she missed.

Alfie’s Dementia

Physically Alfie is doing pretty well, however coming home after a few days in kennels has left Alfie feeling confused. He’s been barking a lot in kennels again, so he’s strained his voice and sounds quite funny. He had a bit of a panic at swimming and so had to get out of the pool for a minute, but then carried on with our Mistress walking up and down the side next to him. Then in the afternoon he had another toilet ‘incident’ in the kitchen, from confusion and distress rather than anything else. Our Mistress says he’ll be fine in a day or two, but with her having to go to see Grandpa we are going to have a number of days in kennels, so he might find it all a bit hard.

Anyway, that’s how you got me writing for you today. I’m sure Alfie will be back tomorrow or if not Wilma will insist that she’s doing it, so I’ll have to wait for my next chance.

Have a great Wednesday



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  1. Hi Ari, lovely to hear from you and the good news abut Wilma. Hope she is soon up and about as usual soon. I am sure Alfie will be OK too, it is just what happens when dogs are older, having lived with one I understand what is happening. Send our very best wishes and love to them both, not forgetting you, Shadow and your Mum.
    Lots of love Dickens XXXXX
    PS I still have a sore leg and the Vet has said I might need an Xray like Wilma. I am keeping my paws crossed that it gets better with the medicine and rest but I am a bit hyper active when I get excited!!!!!!!!

    • Hey, bro, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear your leg’s not right, it’s such a nightmare. Alfie is a bit brighter or he was until about an hour ago when he started barking again! Mind you, our mum howling isn’t helping.
      Send our love to your family and I hope your human mum is improving too.

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